Essay, Letter, Application, Grammar and Job


Write a letter to your friend about a picnic that you had.

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Write a letter to your friend about a picnic  that you had.

Sargaj High School
6th April, 2018
Dearest Hari,
I got your letter but I could not answer to you as I was absent. Actually we went on a picnic to Nandankanan. We were fifty. We each contributed Rs.50/- (rupees fifty). We invited our teachers. We want there by train. On last
Sunday we arranged everything and reached at Nandankanan before 10 A.M. In a small grove we cooked rice, curry, meat. We made salad with tomato, carrot, onion, bean etc.
We played at cards, sang songs, gossip freely. We took our meals and rested for some time. Then we wander here and there and saw many animals, birds, snakes in the zoo. We took many photographers also. I enjoyed the picnic heartily.
I hope you to be well there. Please tell my respect to your parents.
Your loving friend

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