Essay, Letter, Application, Grammar and Job



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(Introduction, Advantages, Demerits of a dishonest person, Conclusion) 

Honesty is a good quality. It means real truthfulness. It is a priceless virtue. As honest person does not steal or cheat.
There is no doubt that "honesty is the best policy." No advertisement is required for an honest work. Honesty ensures good name and safety. If a person is honest people will believe him. They will give value to his words and respect him. A dishonest person may cheat some people for sometime but he cannot cheat all people for all time,
An honest person always prospers but a dishonest person falls down. Honest business increases day by day An honest manas a good position in the society. People love and respect him. He is fair in all walks of life. Honesty and integrity are twin virtues. They are ornaments of an administrator. Honest people like Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Gopabandhu Das, Madhusudan Das, Jawaharlal Nehru were born in the country. They were the living examples of honesty
.         Honesty has some limitations. Excess of everything is bad. One can deal honesty only with the honest people. Dishonest man is a social disgrace. Dishonesty should be met with dishonesty. It is not practicable to deal honestly with the dishonest people.
A dishonest man suffers agonies for his base and fraudulent acts. His dishonesty ends in his ruin and imprisonment. A dishonest man is hated by all. On the other hand an honest man enjoys the respect and confidence of people. Honesty pays rich dividends.
If all people become honest our society will be an ideal one. The students should try to become honest as they are the future citizens of the country. Our motto in life should be to lead honest lives. An honest man is always armed with the strong weapon of truthfulness. It is said that, "An honest man is the noblest work of God, the Almighty."


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